Auto-Hydraulic Pressing / Trimming:
Some castings require more than the normal breaking off procedure when taken from the machine. This process involves the trimming of the casting or removal of overflows and runner in-gates. It also takes care of any flashing, etc that is surplus to the casting.
Vibratory Finishing:
This process involves removing of burrs, smoothing and brightening surfaces. Castings are vibrated with a medium of ceramic cones and mixture of polishing liquid.
The liquid compound is used to keep parts clean, lubricate, cushion against damage and remove all debris from the vibratory finishing machine.
After the vibratory process, they are automatically transferred to a dryer, which prepares the casting for linishing / polishing etc.
This process involves grinding, polishing and removal of roughness and part lines which feature on some castings. Normally when zinc is formed part lines are visible and sanding is the most efficient way of removing these. There are many different kinds of linishing machines that suit your needs. In this photo we show our flatbed linishing machine.
POLISHING all polishing processes are available on request.